Programmatic Interventions

Training module for Community Nutrition Worker

The purpose of this training programme is to equip the trainees with necessary knowledge and skills to carry out their expected role effectively. The focus of the module is on direct nutrition interventions such as improvement in mother and child health care practices, health and nutrition care across the life cycle, as well as on timely and effective use of available health and nutrition services.

The training package comprises a trainers' module, a handbook for the workers and a set of flip-books. The training should be designed to ensure effective usage of handbooks and flip books by community health and nutrition workers. A five-day residential training session is recommended so that practical field level exercises are conducted and adequate discussions on case studies are held to enhance the capacity of workers to perform their tasks effectively.

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SBCC content Videos

Communication plays a powerful role in addressing barriers and shaping demand for and adoption of preventive and promotive practices related to health. Reach Each Child’s Social Behaviour Change Communication videos framework uses the strategies of advocacy, behaviour change communication (BCC) and community mobilization to influence both individual and societal change on mother and child health focusing on components of health, hygiene and nutrition.

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Nutrition activity games

Reach Each Child kit has a set of 5 games which include :

Good & Bad Habits , Hand wash maze , Nutrimania , Meal Plate and Nutri Talkies.

Our field team is equipped with all of these games and increase awareness daily to make this project a success.